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- We offer secure payment options online, over the phone and in person. This includes the SmartHub online portal and mobile app, as well as our secure, automated phone system. Outside of SmartHub, we will never store your payment information.
- We share information about suspected fraudulent activities affecting WCEC members on our website and social media. Please visit our scam protection page for alerts and information.
- We never sell member information to marketers or third parties.
- Always use a complex password for SmartHub and other websites where you access sensitive information. Check out some tips for setting a strong password.
- Your SmartHub password should be different from passwords you use on other sites. That way, if another website is hacked, attackers won’t be able to use the same password to access your SmartHub account.
- Always look for “https://” at the beginning of a website’s address before you submit any sensitive information. This indicates your information is protected with encryption when you send it. All of the pages on our website are secure.
- Make sure you’re using up-to-date software when connecting to SmartHub. Most newer browsers and devices will update automatically; just remember to apply the updates quickly.
- Always use a trusted network when connecting to SmartHub. Avoid using public Wi-Fi, especially when entering payment information.