Balancing the Cost of Operations Continues
As part of the Mission Statement of Wharton County Electric Cooperative, we are charged with providing economical and reliable electric service to our members. To that end, every employee and Board member is cognizant that we have been entrusted to maintain the balancing act between economical and reliable service. As the General Manager/CEO, the Board and I continuously work together to ensure that we run a lean, conservative organization and only collect enough money through rates to ensure that WCEC remains a strong healthy organization able to provide the reliable service that our members deserve.
Due to changes in accounting interpretations, we find it necessary to raise rates by 3.84% effective for bills issued on or about February 29, 2024 (please see the official notice of rate change here).
This rate increase will raise the average residential bill by $6.32 per month.
I assure you that this decision was not taken lightly.
This increase, along with changes made earlier this year, is a continuing effort to share the cost of cooperative operations equitably among our membership and rate classes.
If you have any questions don’t hesitate to get in touch with me at (979) 543-6271. We thank you for your continued support of Wharton County Electric Cooperative.