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Summer Programs Yield Big Savings For All WCEC Members

As temperatures rise and summer activities heat up, a reliable flow of electricity is essential to ensure Wharton County Electric Cooperative members stay cool.

But extreme summer temps mean people spend more time indoors to avoid the heat, and air conditioners work overtime. This increased use of electricity will cause spikes in demand, also known as energy peaks. WCEC’s wholesale power costs are largely determined by peak demand across our system.

When the demand for electricity is higher than usual, power providers must ramp up electricity production—whether from coal, natural gas, wind, solar, or other energy sources—and utilities will pay more for electricity produced during the peak. Higher demand results in higher wholesale power costs.

When our area experiences extreme summer heat and higher demand for electricity, you can help by conserving energy. It’s easy—just check the clock and avoid your energy-intensive activities and chores during peak hours.

WCEC’s peak hours generally occur on weekdays from June through September between 3 p.m. and 7 p.m.

We also offer summer programs to alert our members in times of high demand and to help everyone save in more than one way.

Beat the Peak

During the summer months, look for Beat the Peak alerts on our social media channels so we can all work together to conserve energy during peak periods.

Simple ways to conserve include:

  • Set thermostat 2-3 degrees higher during peak hours.
  • Use fans to feel 4-6 degrees cooler.
  • Turn off and unplug non-essential lights and electronics.
  • Avoid using large appliances (i.e. oven, washer, dryer, water heater, etc.) during peak hours.
  • Set pool pumps to run early morning or overnight; shut off during peak hours.

Load Management Program

WCEC’s Load Management Program takes beating the peak one step further. Members can voluntarily have load control relays installed on the largest power-consuming appliances in their home — the A/C compressor and water heater. During times of predicted peak demand, load is shed to the connected appliances reducing demand for that time period. Load shed means a signal is sent to each relay and power is cycled off to the connected appliance.

A/C compressors are cycled off for 7.5 minutes twice per hour during load shed. The compressor is the hardest working part of the cooling system. It also uses the most electricity. The cooling system’s fan continues to circulate air during the 7.5 minutes to maintain the home’s comfort during load shed.

Water heaters are cycled off for 3-4 hours. Since load shed takes place between 3-7 p.m., most water heaters are not in use or are used minimally during this time. Tasks that do require hot water during these times such as washing dishes or cooking can usually be completed using the water already heated and stored in the tank.

On average, the Load Management Program is activated 5-6 times per month during June, July, August, and September. Members participating in our Load Management Program are normally not even aware that load has been shed to their home’s connected appliances. However, Load Management alerts are posted on WCEC’s social media along with our Beat the Peak alerts encouraging all members to conserve electricity during peak times. Currently, over 1,500 relay devices are installed throughout the WCEC system.

Members are compensated for participating in the Load Management Program with a $25 bill credit per installed relay device during the summer months. Most households save $200/year with one A/C relay and one water heater relay in the home.

If you would like to join the Load Management Program before the 2025 season begins in June, call the WCEC office or sign up online at

When we all work together to beat the summer peak, our entire cooperative benefits. Saving energy during peak times reduces your own bill and keeps electric rates lower for all members of WCEC. In 2024 alone, over $2.1 million in savings was seen due to Load Management.